Wednesday, May 5, 2010

OLMC sends supplies to Ti Riviere

Every year since our Haiti mission began, we have collected supplies to send down to Ti Riviere on one of the  Sea Containers, arranged by the Parish Twinning Program, out of Nashville, Tennessee.  This year there were 16 boxes of books that Connie and Chuck Grimm had collected;  donated printed t-shirts & handle tote bags, soccer uniforms,shoes and balls.  Over 1,000 toothbrushes had to be counted and unpackaged along with sorting a great deal of school supplies and backpacks.  At the end we had 61 boxes of supplies that we U-hauled to Nashville, to be combined with supplies coming from all over the country...destined for all parts of Haiti.  Normally the program gathers enough for 2 or 3 Sea Containers.  This year the warehouse was loaded with enough stuff to fill 7 containtainers.  Thanks to all the dedicated OLMC volunteers who gathered, delivered, sorted, counted, boxed, taped, labeled, and loaded and delivered our 61 boxes to Nashville!  Lori Gallagher was in charge of organizing the entire effort and was assisted by Gayle Fedele, Laura Moehling , Dianne Barnett, Rob O'Dell ,Connie and Chuck Grimm, and Tom McHaffie.  Thanks to everyone for helping to make this happen.  As you can see from the pictures, there is an impressive amount of help heading out of that warehouse, including our 61 boxes headed for Ti Riviere! 
Thanks to Pat and Mary Rehovsky (pictured above) for pulling the whole thing together in Nashville.

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